الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2022

6 Ways Your Yorkie Shows You They Need You

I have spent a long time living with Yorkies.

One thing I know for certain is that Yorkies are particularly expressive of their emotions.

Some say Yorkies’ true intelligence can be measured by their ability to show and receive emotions.

Below we discuss some simple ways your Yorkie may show you that they need you!

1 You have two shadows!

Photo: Miran Walter

What is that little ball of fur following you around everywhere you go?

That’s right! Your Yorkie will only follow you around if they love you.

They want to know that you are safe.

Also if there are any treats in the toilet or the shower they absolutely have to know about it.

2 Your bed is no long YOUR bed!

Photo: Kimberly Graffeo

It is commonly known that most if not all dogs love to sleep on their parents beds.

Why? Well correct me if I’m wrong but usually the bed in a house is supposed to be the most comfortable place.

Dogs have good taste, and Yorkies are the pinnacle of good taste!

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If your Yorkie is willing to share the bed with you then rest assured knowing that your Yorkie needs you in their life.

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3 They stare into your eyes!

Photo: Desray Moss

Ever stared into a dogs eyes? It’s like looking at the physical embodiment of innocence.

Yorkie eyes are the same. Except when you and your Yorkies lock eyes it is indescribable.

Yorkies are not only innocent (yet mischievous) they are also uniquely adorable.

The feeling I get when my Yorkie stares into my eyes is pure love.

They could easily look away or close their eyes but they choose to communicate with you with simple eye contact.

This is a sterling example of how your Yorkie will express to you their love and their need for you in their life.

4 They lick you!

Photo: Patti Moore

Before I got my first Yorkie I never heard about the fact that Yorkies love to lick people!

First thing out of the shower and my Yorkie will lick my ankles dry.

After that my Yorkie disappears like he’s done his job!

It is the cutest thing ever.

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Does your Yorkie lick you? Well join the club.

Almost all Yorkies love to lick people – don’t worry if your Yorkie doesn’t lick you though.

It really is a preference for the dogs personality but usually Yorkies are known to try and lick your skin whenever they can.

5 They check on you!

Photo: Patti Moore

Living with a Yorkie will guarantee that you’ll never have privacy again however; that is not a bad thing.

Sure I can admit that I do miss occasionally being alone to hear myself think.

But the price to pay for privacy is not having my Yorkies around…

I would never go back. Being loved relentlessly by a tiny cuddly friend is worth more than privacy could ever offer!

Another way to know your Yorkie loves you is if they check in on you.

As previously discussed, Yorkies are intelligent and aware of our emotions.

If you are going through something tough, as life does get tough, your Yorkie WILL pick up on it.

Your Yorkie will not allow you to wallow in misery and self pity.

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Your Yorkie will remind you to look at the positives and to remember to give them extra treats, just in case you forgot.

6 Welcome Home Party!

Photo: Tricia Van Winkle Peacock

The amount of excitement, love and happiness that radiates from Yorkies when you arrive home is infinite.

I know some Yorkie owners bring their Yorkies with them wherever they go.

But to those who are unable to bring their Yorkies with them everywhere, the experience of arriving home to your Yorkies is amazing.

While you are gone your Yorkie is going through one thousand different scenarios about where you could be.

“Did mom go get more treats?”

“Did dad go and get me a new toy?”

“Are they bringing back another dog!!?”

We cannot blame our Yorkies for the constant unwavering worry when we’re not around.

What we can do however, is show them absolute love, joy and happiness the moment we enter our home.

There you have it.

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You know your Yorkies love & need you if they do at least two of these behaviors!

source: yorkiehome.xyz

الخميس، 15 ديسمبر 2022

8 Signs Your Dachshund Is Secretly Mad at You


No, they won’t slam doors or yell at you, but there are definite indicators that your pooch is angry with you. Read on to find out what they are.

1 /1- Her ears show she is ~unimpressed~When a dog’s ears are hanging back, along with a lowered head, closed mouth, and tight lips, it can mean she’s mad at you, says April Olshavsky, American Kennel Club dog evaluator, trainer, and behavioural consultant. “Body language is the only way dogs can communicate with us,” she explains. “By studying your dog’s body language, you can learn a lot about her emotions.” The remedy? Some serious belly rubs and ear scratches. “Chances are, your dog will forget whatever it is you did to upset her with just a few minutes of TLC,” she says.

Resultado de imagen para 犬  Dachshund   悲しい

2- He’s got a case of the yawns

Contrary to what you might think, big yawns don’t mean your dog is bored with your corny jokes—they’re actually a sign that he is getting stressed, upset, and agitated, says Sara Taylor CPDT-KA, spcaLA director of animal behaviour and training. It’s important to pay attention to this signal and immediately remove your dog from the situation he is not coping well with, she says. By the way, smiling at your pup is one sure way to make him happy, too.

3- He won’t look you in the eye

If a person refused to meet their gaze and turned their back on you, you’d get the message that they were angry loud and clear. It’s the same with dogs, says Erin Askeland, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, dog training and behaviour expert at Camp Bow Wow. “A dog who is happy and comfortable will likely be willing to make eye contact with his owner and seek out their attention whereas a dog who is angry or upset may avoid this type of interaction and move away from their owner, leave the room, or even sleep in a different area,” she says.  How to fix this? Offer calm, quiet time together to help you and your dog relax, say reading a book or listening to soft music, she says.

4- His tail is tucked and still

If your pup is in a crouching pose with his tail tucked between his legs, he might be taking your criticism more personally than you’d thought. This posture shows he’s guarded on the defensive. “Dogs, like humans, are emotional creatures,” Olshavsky says. “If you’ve scolded them, or spoke sternly, they can pout like a teenager.” If you see him backed up like this, lower your voice and talk softly and soothingly. “This will re-establish your bond together and will reinforce the trust your dog had in you,” she says.

5- The whites of her eyes are showing

Let’s be honest, it’s never a great sign when the whites of any animal’s eyes are showing. Whether she’s showing fear, confusion, disgust, illness, or anger, widening of the eyes indicates a high state of alertness and you’d best pay attention. Why she’s upset may be more of a mystery. “It could be something as simple as you’ve forgotten to feed them,” Olshavsky says. To fix this, try giving her a snack. “Hangry” is a real thing for dogs too.

Imagen relacionada

6- He is cowering behind the sofa

Most people associate cowering and hiding with fear and while that can definitely be true, fear is also closely linked to anger in dogs, Taylor says. “Cowering indicates a high level of stress,” she explains. “If your dog is also trying to hide and get away this means your dog is overwhelmed.” Your job as a responsible pet owner is to then remove him from the situation before he gets more overwhelmed and acts out. You’ll know it’s working when you see these signs your dog really trusts you.

Resultado de imagen para 犬  Dachshund  隠された

7- She lets out a primal growl

“Growling is an obvious but frequently misunderstood sign,” Taylor says, adding that it shows your dog is very uncomfortable and upset. “It is often used as a warning for the purposes of making something stop. For example, he may growl if you’re trying to move your dog from his comfortable bed for late night potty time by using her collar or when a stranger approaches your dog and tries to pet her,” she adds. Resist the urge to yell at or otherwise punish your dog for growling as that damages trust, doesn’t teach your dog appropriate behaviour, and can often worsen aggressive behaviour, she says.

8- He goes into beast mode

Just like your roommate who counted out your M&Ms from the communal bag, dogs place a high emphasis on fairness. “Dogs get mad if they have been treated unfairly, and may act instantaneously with bursts of rage,” Olshavsky says. What this looks like may be different for each dog but you’ll know it when you see it. The solution is simple: More exercise. “Dogs need to get that energy out in some way and a daily walk is the perfect way to do it,” she says.T

Think dogs don’t have a voice? Then you’ve never seen a puppy kennelled. They may not be able to use words but they can vocalize their displeasure. Whimpering is the canine version of whining, Olshavsky says, and it’s every bit as grating as the human kind. To cut down on whining, set aside a few minutes each day just to play and work on tricks, she says. Give her your attention when she’s not whining and she’ll learn that whimpering/whining doesn’t work.

Resultado de imagen para 犬  Dachshund   噛むもの

تعلن وزارة التكوين المهني والتمهين عن فتح مسابقات توظيف في الولايات التالية

تعلن وزارة التكوين المهني والتمهين عن فتح مسابقات توظيف في الولايات التالية : أدرار - تيميمون - عين ڨزام - برج باجي مختار - المنيعة - غرداية - ورڨلة - الوادي - تقرت - إيليزي - جانت - المغير و تمنراست
---------> المناصب المتوفرة :
✓ أساتذة التكوين المهني
✓ أساتذة مختصين في التكوين والتعليم المهنيين من الدرجة الأولى
أساتذة مختصين في التكوين والتعليم المهنيين من الدرجة الثانية
✓ أساتذة التكوين المهني الحرفيون
✓ مستشار التوجيه والإدماج والتقييم المهنيين
✓ مقتصد مسير
✓ متصرف
✓ نائب مقتصد مسير
✓ محاسب اداري رئيسي
✓ ملحق رئيسي للادارة
✓ تقني سامي في الاعلام الألي
✓ مساعد وثائقي أمين محفوظات

✓ متصرف محلل


الخميس، 13 ديسمبر 2018

إتصالات الجزائر تعلن فتح 5000 منصب توظيف 2023

تحدثت فرعون اول امس، في ردها على سؤال النائب
 يوسف بكوش عن جبهة المستقبل عن اسباب تذبذب خدمات الانترنت في الجزائر، انه من المنتضر ان تقوم مؤسسة اتصالات الجزائر ب توظيف اكثر من 5 الاف شاب، نهاية 2019 وبداية 2020 ، وذالك في ايطار تحسين الخدمات.

واضافت انه تم تخصيص 3 ملايير دج لترقية التكوين، مشيرة الي انه تم خلال 2016 - 2017 تكوين 40 الف و 566 عامل مضيفة بان حوالي 30 بالمئة من موظفي اتصالات الجزائر يستفيدون من توسن متواصل سنويا.

الأربعاء، 28 يونيو 2017

الإجابة النموذجية موضوع الفلسفة شعبة علوم تجريبية بكالوريا 2022

السلام عليكم 

نقدم لكم اخوتي التصحيح النموذجي مع سلم التنقيط لموضوع الفلسفة شعبة علوم تجريبية بكالوريا 2017 
تحميل الملف مباشرة pdf :

الإجابة النموذجية موضوع العلوم الاسلامية شعبة علوم تجريبية بكالوريا 2022

السلام عليكم 

نقدم لكم اخوتي التصحيح النموذجي مع سلم التنقيط لموضوع العلوم الإسلامية والشريعة شعبة علوم تجريبية بكالوريا 2017 
تحميل الملف مباشرة pdf :

الإجابة النموذجية موضوع اللغة الانجليزية شعبة علوم تجريبية بكالوريا 2017

السلام عليكم 

نقدم لكم اخوتي التصحيح النموذجي مع سلم التنقيط لموضوع اللغة الإنجليزية شعبة علوم تجريبية بكالوريا 2017 
تحميل الملف مباشرة pdf : 


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6 Ways Your Yorkie Shows You They Need You

I have spent a long time living with Yorkies. One thing I know for certain is that Yorkies are particularly expressive of their emotion...

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